How to create a one product drop shipping store.

How to create a one product drop shipping store

Today I’ll be showing you guys exactly how to build a perfect drop-shipping store that has generated me thousands of dollars per day so you guys can do the same thing as well. I always see so many people that don’t really have high-converting drop-shipping stores, so I’ll be breaking everything down A to Z on how to perfectly.

Free Theme Download & Overview

Design one and not only that, but I will be giving you guys a free theme so you guys can follow exactly step with me on how to exactly build your perfect exactly to  So, without any more being said, let’s jump straight onto the computer, so I can show you guys exactly how to set it up. So, once you guys get into Shopify, just simply download it and click on the ADD theme and upload the zip file, so once you guys add to your theme, this is exactly how it will look. I professionally created it for you guys. I’ve been building drop-shipping stores for plenty of years now, so I know exactly what a winning theme should look like and the type of criteria that it should follow, such as how these sections are laid out and what exactly it should be.

Included inside the theme, and this is how the product page will look once you guys. Download the theme. As you guys can see, there is urgency right here. There are some trust badges for fast shipping, secure checkout, 30-day returns, how exactly the product works. Then, guaranteed the shipping information, Which is all very important things that your customer will want to customers now, and then I added in some trust right here where you guys can write a review about your product, so as you guys see right here, it says, as seen,, so you guys can simply just add incredible sources that may be related to your product so it builds more trust within your buyer so just simply click over on image banner and then you guys can upload the logos in here, and then we also have some more trusts right here on

Why people love the brand name, whatever your brand will be based on, however many reviews you guys want to put, and then it has 24-7 customer support, a 30-day money back guarantee, and then it also has more credibility, which is extremely important when you guys are building stores, because you guys really want to have a trustworthy connection with the. buyer so

They actually make the initial purchase of buying your product after seeing the advertisement without having them feel like that they need to do more research on where else they could get the product from, because with this layout, you guys will have a 100% trust in them and then there, are just some extra things that you guys can add. In here such as handle the objection or benefit number two what questions or concerns will your customer have and then you guys can also add in another benefit right here then we have 30-day sati stiction just so we build more trust with the buyer which is exactly the number one thing that you guys really want to be focusing on when you guys are actually building a store, and then we just have a simple FAQ section
over here, what our customers say and then this is exactly where the review app will go. Then we have a really simple footer right here, so if you guys also want to run email marketing for your product, the customer could just simply add, in their email right here, which is also going to be very beneficial to you guys, if you guys also want to build this into a long-term brand,, so this is the product right here that I will be creating a store for and if you guys.

Fully Built Store Giveaway

want this exact store after I fully completely build it just simply comment the word store and I will be getting back to one of you guys once we hit 500 likes so I will do a random giveaway for this and I will just simply transfer the
ownership to you guys so you guys can have this for completely free with everything set up a through z and I’m sure you guys have seen this product already this is an amazing summertime product to run so now I’m just going to fully customize this theme and after I will be breaking it down to you guys on exactly what I did so you guys can do the exact same thing with your product.

I actually customize the store I’m going to show you guys exactly . how to create a logo for your store that is appealing so the very first thing that you guys are going to want to do is head over to Def . just simply go over to basic and then for the preview text right here you guys are just going to type in whatever your store name is so in this case my store is called Freeze fan so now we are
just going to click on submit so now we are just going to find a font for our logo that will be a good fit so just keep scrolling down here until you guys find a font that you guys like and I found this font right here and I thought that would be a pretty good fit for our store so you guys just want to download it right over here and now you guys can head into canvas or if you guys have
Photoshop I would definitely recommend using that and if you go premium Discord server there is a download for Photoshop but if you guys are not it’s completely okay just go on to canvas so you guys can do the same

your store name is so in this case my store is called Freeze fan so now we are just going to click on submit so now we are just going to find a font for our logo that will be a good fit so just keep scrolling down here until you guys find a font that you guys like and I found this font right here and I thought that would be a pretty good fit for our store so you guys just want to download it right over here and now you guys can head into canvas or if you guys have Photoshop I would definitely recommend using that and if you gu premium Discord server there is a download for Photoshop but if you guys are not it’s completely okay just go on to canvas.

Photoshop or whatever software program that you guys are choosing to use to create your logo the dimensions that I like to use for my Logos is 700x 1225 so it should look something like this so just simply go over to the the text right here and then make sure that your font is selected and

Just simply type in whatever your store name is, so in this case, my store name is freeze fan, and now we are going to be getting creative with it, so you guys can Actually, just take off this fan part, since these two words are going to be separated and then you guys are just going to type in, fan separately and just red-rag everything out just so it matches back up on if it was just one Word and then you guys can just drag everything right back to the middle and then just rescale it so it completely fills this out, so now once it is filled,
Out, just select one of the first words, so in this case the keyword is freeze and then the second word is fan, so we are now going to get creative with the word freeze, so it kind of gives it an effect, so double click it on here and you guys could just do one simple color.
Something like this where it’s one color and then the other word is another color, but if you guys want to do something a little better, go to go gradient overlay and then you guys go to choose one of the Blues. And I think this blue right here would be a good fit. Just because it kind of gives, that, freeze effect that the word, is. frozen while the word is freeze and doing this will just make your logo look so much better than if everything was just one simple color and now most people overcomplicate their logos
It’s simple, because the logo should be the least of the customer’s worries, and remember, as long as it looks professional, you guys are good at going and, right here, going like a professional logo, so just make sure you guys, save this file as a PNG, and then, now we’re going to head back over to Shopify

How Your Store Should Be Designed / Setup

 All professionally set up and created for you guys to make sales, let’s go over exactly what I did so you guys can do the exact same thing, so now the number one key is to make sure all of your colors are correlated with whatever the product is, so as you guys already know this, this is called the freeze fan and all the blue colors are correlated with each other, and they don’t exactly have to be all the exact the same color can be also a very good thing because some things will pop out more so for your product’s name just make sure it is very simple just like completely okay just make sure it is not too long where it literally just covers up the entire page

Because the number one thing that you guys want is to make sure that the customer comes on here, and they see everything right here, so once the customer lands on this page right here they will be able to see all of the, options right here such as the bundles right here, the add a cart. Buy now almost sold out. Click add to cart to reserve, and they will see all the reviews with the price of the product.

I only just put one product photo because the rest of the sections down here will have the guaranteed and the shipping information generating a powerful air flow to create a refreshing and comfortable guarantee wherever you go, so make sure you guys put strong keywords like what I did by putting instant relief from the heat generating a powerful air flow, refreshing Breeze keeping you cool and comfortable and then for the guaranteed 100% covered. We are extremely confident in frozen frozen, and we offer free returns within 30 days of your order if you don’t it 

So if you guys are actually selling a good product there really won’t be many returns, if not none at all, so for the shipping information about just make sure you guys find out from the supplier about how long it will take to get shipped to the customer, so right under here I made some company logos that I could have added onto My website that correlates with whatever my product is, so this will kind of build a little more trust in the customer to actually complete the purchase. Then I put a very descriptive review right Customers will see whenever they actually land on your page, so you guys just want to make sure you are as convincing as possible

You are really just convincing the customer to fully complete the purchase, and you want them to be fully sure that this product is actually a product that they should buy and then right, under here, we have some more trusting things froze as why people love fans based on 2500 fast reviews 247 customer support 30-day money back guaranteed 45,000 customers since our launch in 2019, and then we also have another product benefit here. Just make sure you guys hold out all the highly engaging keywords which are created your perfect to Ambience with just a range of colors and then satisfaction under that satisfaction satisfaction we have a 30-day satisfaction.

We have our FAQ and own like I said, the theme is fully customizable. That makes it very optimal for you guys to just simply add, in your product, edit some things inside of it and get to selling and speed is the absolute number one key to making more money quicker, so some of the common questions.

How fast is shipping and then right under the FAQ I just added Luke’s reviews right here and also make sure you guys do go over the reviews, don’t just import a bunch of reviews, because customers will actually go through this and there may be a bad review such as this one, for an example, even though it’s it is a five-star review just make sure you guys read everything that the review actually says and then right under the reviews it goes back down to the footer and I made a second logo of this logo

 Smooth process, so this is one of the little things that you guys may miss out right here where it sells products under the money back guaranteed, so just make sure you guys put, in the store, name, so this really is what a perfect Drop-Shipping Store should look like for you guys. So you guys are customizing one, so the process is super easy. Everything pops up nice and smooth, especially for the checkout, because at the end of the day, building trust with your customer customers by having a professional-looking website is going to just simply increase your conversion rate to a whole higher extent than you guys have before.

How to create a one product drop shipping store. (2)

Apps To Download For Store

What type of app should I have to make this a highly converted Drop-Shipping Store and there are only a few different are Just make sure all the colors are correlated again with exactly what you have in your store, and another thing, don’t put free shipping in your offer right here on, so, as mine says, limited time 50% off I always see a lot of people do 50% off plus free shipping,. which really takes up a lot of space

So, if you guys want to have a your order section that looks like this, where they can simply type in their order number, then you guys will want to download the parcel panel. It is a very simple setup. They will walk you through on exactly how to add to your store and, as I said, it is fully customizable. So if you guys don’t want to have a button like this that is blue, you guys can have a button that is a different color as well or you guys can also change whatever shows up inside after they track their tracking number. And then now one of the very last apps that you guys are going to want to have is called super speed mobile speed boost. And then now basically what this is doing is just going to increase the speed of your website when mobile users are on it. This is extremely important that not a lot of people have, again like I said, because if you guys have a fast store, everything will load up extremely quick and this is exactly what you guys will want because if your store is super slow and your customer is trying to shop on it and some things aren’t loading or the pictures aren’t loading, the reviews aren’t loading, then they will simply just click off because they don’t want to buy from a slow website. And then for your navigation.

Just going to want it set up like this for your main menu. You guys only going to want to have a home, contact us, the freeze fan, track your order and then for the footer, this is where you guys are going to add in the pages. Over here, you guys will have a track your order section, terms of service, shipping policy, privacy policy, and refund policy. So having all these policies is going to make your website look very professional and again, this will build extreme trust with your customer, encouraging them to actually know how to create a perfect one product drop-shipping store.

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Like I said, if this blog was very helpful to you guys on how to build a one-product store, just comment down below that it helped you very much. We will see you guys in the next blog post.

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    1. Starting a one-product drop shipping store is an excellent way to focus on a niche market and streamline your business. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started:
      Choose a Winning Product
      Find a Reliable Supplier
      Set Up Your Online Store
      Optimize Your Product Page
      Set Up Payment and Shipping
      Market Your Store: Use social media, email marketing, and ads to drive traffic and increase sales.
      For more detailed steps and helpful tips, visit
      Best of luck with your new store!

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