amazon-fba-mistakes. Common Amazon FBA mistakes . ahanadvice,com

Amazon FBA Mistakes That Kill New Sellers!

I’m going to show you real Amazon sellers and real mistakes that they’re making so that you can avoid these mistakes, and even though I’ve made over $7 million in online sales until it’s too late, unless you pay attention, we’re going to go through every single mistake that people make were going to go through the mistakes in the same order that people usually .Make the mistakes. We’re going to start off by talking about manufacturing mistakes and mistakes that people make related to that when listing their product on Amazon, and after that, we’re going to start talking about mistakes people make when

Launching their product on Amazon, we’ll talk about all the other mistakes that people make related to Amazon and some of these are the big reasons why I recommend you start your own Amazon business. You’re going to want to stay till the end of my first company, which was called B dance We did over $3 million in sales, but I made so many mistakes myself that I barely made a profit so the three biggest mistakes that I made with my first business right now and the first mistake.

My First Online Business Mistakes

 Starting out with way too many different products, way too many variations to sell and these are known as SKS for every individual product.

  • Too Many Products and Variations:

Issue: I offered  40 different items that were available in 11 different sizes and those were available in 200 different colors , resulting in a complex inventory with over 2000 Stock Keeping Units (SKUs).

Solution: simplify inventory management, start with a smaller selection of products.

  • In-House Manufacturing:

Issue:  we managed both  manufacturing business and e-commerce website all put together into one business which became overwhelming.

Solution: Process outsourcing Construction to focus solely on selling products and growing your business .

  • Lack of Passion:

Issue: I had no interest in dance party clothing, leading to burnout.

Solution:  Choose a product you are Emotional about to maintain inspiration and enthusiasm.

all my mistakes have probably cost me over $500,000 and I’m going to share with you all the mistakes that I’ve made when selling on Amazon is as well as all the mistakes other sellers that I’ve been interviewing have also made so if you want to avoid

Mistake #1

When you’re manufacturing your product, you must always pay attention to the details. We don’t want to risk running out, so we ordered from another manufacturer as well and it was much worse quality, so some people were really upset because they bought. If previous product from us, that was much higher quality, and they were very upset about that if you have a manufacturing partner that works stick with them, or you could end up losing $220,000 like Michael did and look I’ve been selling on Amazon for 10 years, and I’ve gotten the Battle Scars to prove it I had damaged products and packages.

amazon-fba-mistakes. Common Amazon FBA mistakes . ahanadvice,com

Mistake #2

Bad manufacturer and it cost me tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention negative reviews review and a bunch of other things that could have destroyed my entire business. 

I had to spend thousands of dollars fixing pouches. That few thousand, throwing away leaky pouches. I also at one point had damaged film that was damaged during shipping and that cost me thousands of dollars, but the biggest mistake.

I ended up having a manufacturer that scammed me out of tens of thousands of dollars, so be careful when you’re deciding on which manufacturer to work with, you don’t have to make all these mistakes. 

You just need to know how to avoid them doing your due diligence when you’re partnering with a manufacturer, but when you’re creating a brand new

Mistake #3

If it was going to be a plastic product that needed to be injection molding done, Andrew created the tool Wrangler, and  he made over $70,000 in profit, but he made an investment that

Blindly cost him over $20,000 when I ordered this mold 

It was $20,000, and I was really nervous about whether it was going to fit or not, so unfortunately, I had to just accept it and pay them in full before going to work, um so when

 I got it. I actually tested it out, and it didn’t quite work. I was freaking out. I didn’t know what I was going to do I 

I was thinking it was going to be a boat anchor, and  I was going to have to go find another $20,000 to try which I ended up climbing inside the machine with a Dremel tool. It ended up, um, resulting in a much tighter fit we got a little bit lucky and

 Now if you see the two pieces when they engage, they actually snap together and lock and this is a common trend. I often see times when you think that your business is failing you.

 Just wasted $20,000. If you use a little bit of ingenuity, you might be able to not only fix the problem not only to result in a product that paying even attention.

Briefly introduce the importance of avoiding mistakes in Amazon FBA and what the reader will learn.

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